
How to engage others

Welcome Parker, This will be our training website, as I fill it in with information as time goes by. You should refer to this often and Do comment yourself below on what you want to address in the comment area. Once you got some Ads working online like craigslist, etc... You'll get a text response like: I'm interested to know more... What is it? I want to know... I'm interested in your job... I saw your ad and I'm responding... you'll reply back- Great! What is your Name? I'm Parker. They generally will reply: Sorry. My name is David or whatever their name is... You text back- David, before we start, can you Watch Videos on your phone? I wanted to be sure you can Watch it before I send you out the Video link.. . Wait... they reply: Yes, I can.. Your next Text is- Super! Watch this 14min video... When Can you WATCH it?? and When Can I reconnect with you again?? ( Do Not send them the video link until they've responded back